Key weather statistics to the current date
20% decline in annual rainfall (-73mm)
22% decline in GSR (-67mm)
21% decline (9.28mm) in the average monthly GSR 44.28mm to 35.0mm
Pre 1990 drought 1 year in 10
Historically droughts followed by consecutive average/wetter years
Post-1990 drought 1 year in 3
Since 1990, droughts followed by dry or another drought
Average or wet years occur 1 year in 10
“Break” occurs ≈ 28 May, NOT ANZAC day
≈ 50% increase in the length of the Frost season. On average 147 days from the first frost to last (0°C or below). The first frost occurs around the 27 May. Latest frost 4th November
Since 2014, temperatures of ≥ 32°C are still being recorded in April. The first days of temperatures ≥ 32°C are being recorded in October.
So, in consideration of Climate Change and the changing weather conditions…
The cost of growing crops is too high in proportion to risk
With increased variability no guarantee of grain quantity or quality
Growing Season has effectively shortened, 3-6 weeks
To Reduce RISK - change cropping/sheep ratio (60/40 to 30/70)
Grow more grass – eat weeds, reduce chemical resistance & frost problems
Breeding objectives - Select animals that are better suited to conditions