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Wimmera Mail Times, 1/6/21 - Kaniva's Steven Hobbs weighs in on the Victorian state budget funding
The Horsham Times, 28/9/20 - Kaniva farmer calls for clarity on national emissions strategy
Weekly Times, 10/4/19 - Focusing on profit. not production the key at Kaniva
Weekly Times, 24/1/18 - The heat is on us all
ABC Radio, 11/11/17 - Soil carbon scheme
Mail Times, 28/6/16 - Slow burning fire logs
ABC Rural, 6/4/15 - Growing crops to produce biofuel
State Gov Vic - Farm grown energy
Weekly Times, 13/5/14 Feed grains fuel
SANTFA, Autumn 2014 - Tapping into on-farm energy
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